Pic taken at Pasar Seni, Kuala Lumpur.
It is titled "Dilarang Melarang". In English, it probably can be roughly translated to "Forbidden to Forbid"..... anyone can translate better ?
Somebody must be very pissed and have a lot of pent-up emotion. This pic is a display of teenagers sick of parents/adults telling you telling 'you can't do this', 'you should not do that', 'you are forbidden to do this.....
For me, adulthood is at any time better than the teenage years. Freedom !!
don't think they're still teenagers anymore :)
there's a band called gasoline grenade, - they have a track called dilarang melarang. the lead singer works for annexe.
...probably not about parents, and more about challenging authority.
gee... thanks.. i learn a new thing today :)
But I guess what my college teacher said is correct - when you melarang something, the human side of us will tend to want to do it more. I guess both extremes are bad. Too much of Melarang and too little of melarang may not help to society. Do everything in moderation.
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